Wildlife and birds have survived Mother Nature's fury since the beginning of time, however, the significant loss of habitat which is already a pressure on many species, compounded by the loss of natural food sources and shelter resulting from flooding, high winds and downed trees, can tip the scales against wildlife populations especially those who depend on late summer berries, nuts and leaves.
Autumn migration has begun along the East Coast corridor. Birds making this long trek south follow ancient skyway patterns and navigate to familiar feeding and resting areas along the way. During the storm's high winds, birds may be thrown off course. While most will be able to reorient themselves eventually, they will be far more successful with a little help finding food sources to help them along their journey.
Birds will seek shelter during a rain event. Due to their high metabolic rate, birds need to "refuel" on regular intervals. Prolonged, severe storm will leave birds hungry and potentially cause life threatening consequences. Moreover, the resulting damage from a severe weather event and flooding diminishes and alters the availability of food sources once the rain and wind have stopped.
With the impending hurricane approaching, Green Happenings H2O hopes homeowners on the fringe of the impact zone will consider offering a supply of fresh water and wild bird seed during the post storm period.
Fall migration has begun. Cornell's Bird Lab has addressed "how hurricanes affect migrating birds" in the following republished article(http://www.allaboutbirds.org/Page.aspx?pid=1277) below:
Question of the Week
Q. How do hurricanes affect migrating birds, and is there anything we can do to help the birds that have been negatively affected?
A. Each year, migratory birds cross the Gulf of Mexico during hurricane season. Most birds wait for favorable winds and weather before starting a migratory flight, so seldom strike out over water during a hurricane, but some birds may be well offshore when a storm begins. Although migrants have enough fat (fuel reserves) to make the 600-mile Gulf crossing in favorable winds, they may not have enough energy to survive if they have to fight against headwinds.Before and after flights, when migrants have higher than normal food requirements, they may have problems finding safe supplies of food in areas devastated by storms. Resident birds in hurricane areas also suffer when their food supplies, such as fruits and berries, are stripped from trees and shrubs. Like migrants, they may wander to other areas in search of food. Preserving critical coastal habitats is essential for these birds. It's also crucial for them that we enforce strict regulations to prevent hazardous materials from leaking or spilling during storms and floods.
Large storm systems may drive some birds far off-course. Strong-flying birds often move ahead of the storm, carried by the winds at the forefront of the weather system. Brown Pelicans, Magnificent Frigatebirds, and other oceanic birds have been recorded far inland, sometimes more than a thousand miles from the coast, after hurricanes. Some of these birds may find their way back; others, unable to deal with the unfamiliar terrain or to find appropriate food in freshwater, may die.
Birds and hurricanes have coexisted for millennia, and given the chance, healthy bird populations rebound from the effects of such natural disasters. Unfortunately, humans make this difficult for some birds because we have destroyed so much natural coastal habitat, and so nowadays hurricanes pose greater threats to vulnerable bird populations than they once did. Working to preserve and restore as much coastal habitat as possible, to minimize toxic spills and leaks during storms by enacting and enforcing strict regulations, and to keep bird populations healthy year round are our best strategies for minimizing the long-term effects of hurricanes on birds.
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